The Supreme Court of the United States
The Supreme Court of the United States, often referred to as SCOTUS, is the highest part of the Judiciary Branch of our government. The Judiciary is the third branch of our government and is responsible for deciding important cases. Primarily, SCOTUS determines whether a law or a case is consistent with the Constitution of the United States.
The Building where the court now resides is not the oldest building in DC. Its cornerstone was laid in 1932, which was actually the 143rd year of the Supreme Court's existence. Although the building itself is not particularly old, its architecture is nonetheless quite detailed and majestic. The style of the architecture is influenced by classical Corinthian architecture. Additionally, the Supreme Court Building contains a number of intricate sculptures, which also attract visitors.
The Court has a lot to offer visitors. The ground floor alone is home to exhibit halls, a cafeteria, and a gift shop. It is even possible for visitors to sit in on oral arguments whenever the court is in session. Seating inside the court is limited and visitors are seated on a first-come, first-seated basis.
Supreme Court Interesting Facts
A fox wandered into the Building on January 13 of 2002. Despite being spotted several times on security cameras, the fox managed to elude capture for more than 24 hours.
Before the Building was completed in 1935, the Supreme Court was held in the basement of the Capitol building.
President Taft took the initiative to persuade Congress to give the Court their own building. He had been a Chief Justice before he became president.
The fifth floor of the Court Building contains a Basketball court, dubbed "The Highest Court in the Land," because it is on a higher floor than the Supreme Court itself, which convenes on the second floor of the Building.
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